The International Conference on Wilderness Medicine for Medical Students and Residents
Saturday july 13, 2019 Chamonix MT. BLANC
9:00 AM Conference Room
Chamonix with Mt. Blanc in the background
Please come and participate in the International Conference on Wilderness Medicine for Medical Students and Residents which will bring medical students and residents together from all over the world in Chamonix-Mt. Blanc, France. You can present a paper or come and participate in this exciting conference.
Format There will be five categories of presentations
Clinical Vignette: This will be a short review of an experience that happened to you, or to someone else that relates an important topic in wilderness medicine. An example would be surviving a night out in the weather, or a bear attack etc.
Original Research: The presenter would have participated in the research in a significant way so as to present new or different methods of treating, preventing or understanding a subject in wilderness medicine.
Review of material: The presenter will have reviewed a topic of wilderness medicine and will present new or critical ideas in the treatment or prevention of injury/illness in wilderness medicine. An example might be new methods for the treatment of water.
Epidemiology: The presenter will have studied and reviewed common diseases, injuries, or animals and insects zoonosis that are located in a specific geographic area that would be pertinent or of interest to wilderness medicine. An example would be the animals and diseases found in the Alps.
Wilderness travel and tropical medicine: This topic would include the treatment, prevention of emerging disease found around the world where adventures will travel. Topics could include new guidelines for Zika virus disease or new vaccines for malaria.
Selection: Applicants will submit a one paragraph outline of their proposed topic. Include which category, title, length of presentation, group or single presenter, and other information you feel will help the committee decide to include your topic.
Those that are selected will receive $100.00 You can include this as a line item on your curriculum vitae.
Submit proposals to the conference director: